This is the legacy documentation for Superforms 0.x. The 1.0 version can be found at!

API reference

Throughout the reference, the following types are represented:

 * T represents a validation schema.
 * z.object({
 *   name: z.string().min(2)
 * })
T extends AnyZodObject

 * S refers to the underlying type of the schema,
 * the actual data structure.
 * { name: string }
S = z.infer<T>

 * Nested represents a structure where the values in S
 * are replaced with the second parameter.
 * { name: string[] | undefined }
Nested<S, string[] | undefined> // Errors for each field in S

Server API

import {
} from 'sveltekit-superforms/server';

superValidate(schema | data, schema? | options?, options?)

If you want the form to be initially empty, you can pass the schema as the first parameter:

superValidate<T, M = any>(
  schema: T,
  options?: SuperValidateOptions
): Promise<Validation<T, M>>

If you want to populate the form, for example from a database or URL parameters in the load function, or FormData in the form actions, send the data as the first parameter, the schema second:

superValidate<T, M = any>(
    | RequestEvent
    | Request
    | FormData
    | URL
    | URLSearchParams
    | Partial<S>
    | null
    | undefined,
  schema: T,
  options?: SuperValidateOptions
): Promise<Validation<T, M>>


SuperValidateOptions = {
  id?: string          // Form id, for multiple forms support
  errors?: boolean     // Add or remove errors from output (preserves valid status)
  includeMeta = false; // Add metadata to the validation object

See this page for information about id and multiple forms on the same page.

Error and data behavior

  • If the data passed to superValidate is not empty, errors will be returned unless the errors option is false.
  • Vice versa, if the data is empty, no errors will be returned unless errors is true.

This does not affect the valid property of the Validation object, which always indicates whether validation succeeded or not.

Return value from superValidate

Validation<T, M = any> = {
  valid: boolean;
  empty: boolean;
  data: S;
  errors: Nested<S, string[] | undefined>;
  constraints: Nested<S, InputConstraints | undefined>;
  message?: M;
  id?: string;
  meta?: { types: Nested<S, string> }

If data is empty, a Validation object with default values for the schema is returned, in this shape:

  valid: false;
  empty: true;
  errors: options.errors ? Nested<S, string[] | undefined> : {};
  data: S;
  constraints: Nested<S, InputConstraints>;
  id?: undefined;
  message?: undefined;
  meta?: { types: Record<keyof S, string> }

See this page for a list of default schema values.

Input constraints

 * HTML input constraints returned from superValidate
 * Properties are mapped from the schema:
InputConstraints = Partial<{
  required: boolean; // Not nullable(), nullish() or optional()
  pattern: string; // z.string().regex(r)
  min: number | string; // number if z.number.min(n), ISO date string if
  max: number | string; // number if z.number.max(n), ISO date string if
  step: number; // z.number().step(n)
  minlength: number; // z.string().min(n)
  maxlength: number; // z.string().max(n)

setError(form, field, error, options?)

  form: Validation<T, M>,
  field: keyof S | [keyof S, ...(string | number)[]] | [] | null,
  error: string | string[],
  options?: { overwrite = false, status = 400 }
) : ActionFailure<{form: Validation<T, M>}>

For setting errors on the form after validation. It returns a fail(status, { form }) so it can be returned immediately, or more errors can be added by calling it multiple times before returning.

Use the overwrite option to remove all previously set errors for the field, and status to set a different status than the default 400.

If the field argument is set to an empty array or null, the error will be a form-level error that can be accessed on the client with $errors._errors.

message(form, message, options?)

  form: Validation<T, M>,
  message: M,
  options?: { status? : number }
) : { form: Validation<T, M> } | ActionFailure<{form: Validation<T, M>}>

message is a convenience method for setting form.message, best explained by an example:

import { message, superValidate } from 'sveltekit-superforms/server';

export const actions = {
  default: async (event) => {
    const form = await superValidate<typeof schema, string>(event, schema);

    if (!form.valid) {
      // Will return fail(400, { form }) since form isn't valid
      return message(form, 'Invalid form');

    if ('spam')) {
      // Will also return fail, since status is >= 400
      return message(form, 'No spam please', {
        status: 403

    // Returns { form }
    return message(form, 'Valid form!');

actionResult(type, data?, options? | status?)

When using endpoints instead of form actions, you must return an ActionResult, throw redirect(...) won’t work for example, superForm expects an ActionResult.

This method helps you construct one in a Response object, so you can return a validation object from your API/endpoints.

actionResult('success', { form }, (status = 200));
actionResult('failure', { form }, (status = 400));
actionResult('redirect', '/', (status = 303));
actionResult('error', 'Error message', (status = 500));

Additionally, the redirect version can send a flash message as a third parameter, in case you’re using flash messages:

actionResult('redirect', '/', {
  message: App.PageData['flash'],
  status = 303

Login request example


import { actionResult, superValidate } from '$lib/server';
import { z } from 'zod';

const loginSchema = z.object({
  email: z.string().email(),
  password: z.string().min(5)

export const POST = async ({ request }) => {
  const form = await superValidate(request, loginSchema);
  if (!form.valid) return actionResult('failure', { form });

  // Verify login here //

  return actionResult('success', { form });

Client API

import {
} from 'sveltekit-superforms/client';

The server part of the API can also be imported, for single-page app usage:

import {
  setMessage, // Same as message
} from 'sveltekit-superforms/client';

superForm(form, options?)

superForm<T, M = any>(
  form: Validation<T, M> | null | undefined,
  options?: FormOptions<T, M>
) : SuperForm<T, M>
FormOptions<T, M> = Partial<{
  id: string;
  applyAction: boolean;
  invalidateAll: boolean;
  resetForm: boolean | (() => MaybePromise<boolean>);
  scrollToError: 'auto' | 'smooth' | 'off';
  autoFocusOnError: boolean | 'detect';
  errorSelector: string;
  selectErrorText: boolean;
  stickyNavbar: string;
  taintedMessage: string | false | null;
  SPA: true | { failStatus?: number };

  onSubmit: (
    ...params: Parameters<SubmitFunction>
  ) => MaybePromise<unknown | void>;
  onResult: (event: {
    result: ActionResult;
    formEl: HTMLFormElement;
    cancel: () => void;
  }) => MaybePromise<unknown | void>;
  onUpdate: (event: {
    form: Validation<T, M>;
    formEl: HTMLFormElement;
    cancel: () => void;
  }) => MaybePromise<unknown | void>;
  onUpdated: (event: {
    form: Readonly<Validation<T, M>>;
  }) => MaybePromise<unknown | void>;
    | 'apply'
    | ((event: {
        result: {
          type: 'error';
          status?: number;
          error: App.Error;
        message: Writable<Validation<T, M>['message']>;
      }) => MaybePromise<unknown | void>);
  dataType: 'form' | 'json';
  validators: T | false | Validators<T>;
  validationMethod: 'auto' | 'oninput' | 'onblur' | 'submit-only';
  defaultValidator: 'keep' | 'clear';
  clearOnSubmit: 'errors' | 'message' | 'errors-and-message' | 'none';
  delayMs: number;
  timeoutMs: number;
  multipleSubmits: 'prevent' | 'allow' | 'abort';
  syncFlashMessage?: boolean;
  flashMessage: {
    module: {
      getFlash(page: Readable<Page>): Writable<App.PageData['flash']>;
        page: Readable<Page>,
        update?: () => Promise<void>
      ): Promise<void>;
    onError?: (event: {
      result: {
        type: 'error';
        status?: number;
        error: App.Error;
      message: Writable<App.PageData['flash']>;
    }) => MaybePromise<unknown | void>;
    cookiePath?: string;
    cookieName?: string;

superForm return type

SuperForm<T extends AnyZodObject, M = any> = {
  form: {
    subscribe: (data: S) => void
    set: (value: S, options?: { taint?: boolean | 'untaint' | 'untaint-all' }) => void
    update: (updater: (S) => S, options?: { taint?: boolean | 'untaint' | 'untaint-all' }) => void
  formId: Writable<string | undefined>;
  errors: Writable<Nested<S, string[] | undefined>>;
  constraints: Writable<Nested<S, InputConstraints | undefined>>;
  message: Writable<M | undefined>;
  tainted: Writable<Nested<S, boolean | undefined> | undefined>;
  meta: Readable<{ types: Record<keyof S, string> | undefined }>;

  valid: Readable<boolean>;
  empty: Readable<boolean>;
  submitting: Readable<boolean>;
  delayed: Readable<boolean>;
  timeout: Readable<boolean>;

  fields: Record<keyof S, FormField<T>>;
  firstError: Readable<{ path: string[]; message: string } | null>;
  allErrors: Readable<{ path: string[]; message: string }[]>;

  options: FormOptions<T, M>;

  enhance: (el: HTMLFormElement, {
    onSubmit, onResult, onError, onUpdate, onUpdated
  }) => ReturnType<typeof $app/forms/enhance>;

  reset: (options?: { keepMessage: boolean }) => void;

  capture: () => SuperFormSnapshot<T, M>;
  restore: (snapshot: SuperFormSnapshot<T, M>) => void;

FormField<S, Prop extends keyof S> = {
  readonly name: Prop;
  value: Writable<S[Prop]>;
  errors?: Writable<ValidationErrors<S[Prop]>>;
  constraints?: Writable<InputConstraints<S[Prop]>>;
  readonly type?: string;

Proxy objects

intProxy(form, fieldName)

Creates a proxy store for an integer schema field. Changes in either the proxy store or the form field will reflect in the other.

numberProxy(form, fieldName)

Creates a proxy store for a numeric form field.

booleanProxy(form, fieldName, options?)


  trueStringValue = 'true';

Creates a proxy store for a boolean schema field. The option can be used to change what string value represents true.

dateProxy(form, fieldName, options?)

Creates a proxy store for a Date schema field. The option can be used to change the proxied format of the date.


    // Extract the part of the date as a substring:
    | 'date' | 'datetime' | 'time'
    // Convert the date to UTC:
    | 'date-utc' | 'datetime-utc' | 'time-utc'
    // Convert the date to local time:
    | 'date-local' | 'datetime-local' | 'time-local'
    // The default ISODateString:
    | 'iso' = 'iso'

fieldProxy, formFieldProxy

See the dedicated article for documentation about fieldProxy and formFieldProxy.

Proxy example

Given the following schema:

const schema = z.object({

A date proxy can be used like this:

<script lang="ts">
  import { superForm, dateProxy } from 'sveltekit-superforms/client'
  import type { PageData } from './$types';

  export let data: PageData;

  const form = superForm(data.form)
  const date = dateProxy(form, 'date', { format: 'date' ))

<input name="date" type="date" bind:value={$date} />


import SuperDebug from 'sveltekit-superforms/client/SuperDebug.svelte';


SuperDebug is a debugging component that gives you colorized and nicely formatted output for any data structure, usually $form.

  ref?={HTMLPreElement} />


Prop Type Default value Description
data any undefined Data to be displayed by SuperDebug
display Boolean true Whether to show or hide SuperDebug
label String "" Add useful label to SuperDebug, useful when using multiple instances of SuperDebug in a page
promise Boolean false When true, SuperDebug uses svelte’s await block to load the data. Data is assumed to be async but can also load non-async data using await block!
status Boolean true Whether to show or hide status code.
stringTruncate Number 120 Truncate long string in output.
ref HTMLPreElement undefined Binds pre tag to ref.


Please see the +page.svelte file in src/routes/super-debug on common usage of SuperDebug.