This is the legacy documentation for Superforms 0.x. The 1.0 version can be found at!

Tainted fields

When the form data is modified, that piece of data, and in turn the form, is considered tainted. A Superforms feature is to prevent the user from losing data, when accidentaly navigating away from a tainted form.


const { form, enhance, tainted } = superForm(data.form, {
  taintedMessage: string | null = 'Do you want to leave this page? Changes you made may not be saved.'

Try to modify the form below, then close the tab or hit the back button. A confirmation dialog should prevent you from losing the changes.


Tainted store

You can access the exact fields that are tainted through the $tainted store, returned from superForm. When you modify the form fields above you’ll see how the $tainted store reacts.

Note: Any direct assignment to $form will taint the affected field(s)! The tainted check is made on the form store, not the html input fields. See below for how to set form data without tainting the form.

Untainting the form

When a validation result is returned for the form with a status between 200-299, the form is automatically marked as untainted by setting the $tainted store to undefined.

Try that by posting the form with valid values. The tainted message should not appear when browsing away from the page.

You can also modify the $tainted store directly, but the recommended way is to set an option when modifying form:

const { form } = superForm(data.form)

form.update($form => {
  $ =
  return $form
}, { taint: false }) // boolean | 'untaint' | 'untaint-all'

Disabling the check

By setting taintedMessage to null in the options, the form won’t be checked for modifications when navigating away from the page. Especially useful for forms like login and registration, where password managers can taint the form when inserting saved usernames and passwords.